1. Pollinator Color Fields, rendering courtesy Yunchi Huan

2. Pollinator Color Fields, rendering courtesy Yunchi Huang

3. Mound for the Pollinator Color Field (Test Space), 2018
Art Project Title: (working title) Four Spheres
On-mound; Category: Minorly invasive
Date of [proposed] site visit (2018-04-12):
Four circular pollinator gardens with connective walkways create an aesthetic experience and provide habitat for pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and birds. The plant species are vital to food production: pollination research suggests that three out of four flowering plants require animal pollinators in order to produce seed and fruit.
Pollinator populations have been in decline in recent years. Honey bees in particular have experienced colony collapse disorder due primarily to a class of pesticides known as neonicotinoids. Four Spheres is an organic food-heavy wildlife corridor to provide increased habitat for pollinators.
The proposed project should be 140’ x 100’ total dimensions, with a proposed timeline of:
Early Spring 2018 Land Survey – tag plants to be kept and to be transplanted.
Mid Spring 2018 Pull and transplant necessary plants.
2018 Late spring groundcover and pollinator new plug installation.
2018 Summer walkway installation – material TBD
2018 Fall new plug installation.
2019 Early spring new plug installation.
2019 Fall new plug installation.
2020 Early spring new plug installation.
2020 Final fall new plug installation.
Ideally, the project will occur on the North Mound or East Mound. Not West Mound. It is flexible.
The project is minorly invasive with four 40’ diameter circular disturbances to the surface soil in order to plant pollinator plants and a butterfly habitat, as well as a walkway to each garden. Plugs would be inserted a maximum of 3” deep as well as a maximum seed depth of 1”. Water would be set on an automatic timer for the first season.
In the four 40’ diameter circular gardens, some of the current plantings would be removed and the following organic, perennial native plant plugs and seeds would be added:
Orange Garden (Geosphere):
- Aquilegia canadensis, Wild columbine. 1-2 ft, dry to moist soil, red/yellow, June.
- Asciepias tuberosa, Butterfly milkweed. 18-30 in, full sun, dry soil, orange, July.
- Buddleja marrubiifolia Benth. Woolly butterflybush, Butterfly bush, Woolly Butterfly-bush USDA Symbol: BUMA USDA Native Status: L48 (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Shrub Leaf: Velvety, ash-gray, silver to white foliage Size Class: 3-6 ft. Bloom Color: Orange Bloom Time: Jun , Jul , Aug , Sep , Oct , Nov
- Ratibida columnifera Mexican hat, Red-spike Mexican hat, Upright prairie coneflower, Prairie coneflower, Long-headed coneflower, Thimbleflower USDA Symbol: RACO3 USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Root Type: Tap Leaf Retention: Deciduous Leaf: Green Flower: Flowers 2 inches Size Class: 1-3 ft. Bloom Color: Orange , Yellow , Brown Bloom Time: May , Jun , Jul , Aug , Sep , Oct
- Rudbeckia fulgida Aiton var. fulgida Orange coneflower USDA Symbol: RUFUF USDA Native Status: L48 (N) Bloom Color: Yellow, orange
- Prenanthes serpentaria Pursh Cankerweed, Lion’s foot, Butterweed, Gall of the earth USDA Symbol: PRSE USDA Native Status: L48 (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Bloom Color: White , Yellow Bloom Time: Aug , Sep , Oct
- Lithospermum canescens (Michx.) Lehm. Hoary puccoon (Borage Family) USDA Symbol: LICA12 USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N) Durat
ion: Perennial Habit: Herb Size Class: 1-3 ft. Bloom Color: Orange , Yellow Bloom Time: Apr , May , Jun - Lobelia Cardinalis. Cardinal Flower USDA Symbol: LOCA2 USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Fruit Type: Capsule Leaf: Dark Green Autumn Foliage: yes Flower: Sepals 5. Petals 5 fused zygomorphic. Stamens 5 fused by their lower parts. Carpels 5 fused inferior. Fruit: Blue Size Class: 3-6 ft. Bloom Color: Red Bloom Time: May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct
Ground Cover: Alpine Strawberries – Fragaria Vesca
Blue Garden (Hydrosphere):
- Aster Iaevis, Smooth blue aster. 2-3 ft, full sun, dry to moist soil, blue, Aug.
- Blue Scabiosa Flower
- Campanula rotundifolia, American harebell. 12-18 in, dry to moist soil, blue, June-Sep.
- Carex eburnea, Ebony sedge. 6-10 in, full to part sun, dry to moist soil, green, June.
- Commelina diffusa Burm. f. Climbing Dayflower, Spreading Dayflower (Spiderwort Family)USDA Symbol: CODI5 USDA Native Status: L48 (N), HI (I), PR (
N), VI (N) - Cynoglossum virginianum L. Wild comfrey (Borage Family) USDA Symbol: CYVI USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N) Durat
ion: Perennial Habit: Herb Size Class: 1-3 ft. Bloom Color: White, Blue Bloom Time: Apr – Jun - Linum perenne, Sapphire Blue Flax
- Lobelia Siphilitica. Great blue Lobelia
- Mertensia virginica (L.) Pers. ex Link
- Virginia bluebells (Borage Family) USDA Symbol: MEVI3 USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N)
Duration: Perennial Habit: Her b Leaf: Green Size Class: 1-3 ft. Bloom Color: Pink , Blue , Purple Bloom Time: Mar , Apr , May , Jun - Salvia azurea Michx. Pitcher sage, Big blue sage, Azure sage, Blue sage USDA Symbol: SAAZ USDA Native Status: L48 (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Flower: Flower 1 inch Size Class: 3-6 ft. Bloom Color: Blue Bloom Time: Sep – Nov
- Salvia lyrata L. Lyreleaf sage, Cancer weed USDA Symbol: SALY2 USDA Native Status: L48 (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Leaf Retention: Evergreen Inflorescence: Raceme Size Notes: 1-2 feet. Leaf: Dark green. In winter, veined with dark purple. Flower: Flowers 1 inch long Fruit: Tan Size Class: 1-3 ft. Bloom Color: White , Blue , Violet Bloom Time: Mar , Apr , May , Jun
- Sisyrinchium montanum, Blue-eyed grass. 6-12 in, dry to moist soil, blue, May-June.
- Schizachyrfum scoparium, Little bluestem. 2-3 ft, dry to moist soil, brown, Aug-Sep.
- Tradescantia Ohiensis Prairie spiderwort, Western Spiderwort, (Spiderwort Family) USDA Symbol: TROC USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N) Durat
ion: Perennial Habit: Herb Size Class: 0-1 ft. Bloom Color: Pink , Purple Bloom Time: Jun , Jul - Tradescantia ohiensis Raf. Ohio spiderwort, Bluejacket USDA Symbol: TROH USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Flower: 1 inch Size Class: 1-3 ft. Bloom Color: Red , Blue Bloom Time: Mar , Apr , May , Jun , Jul , Aug
Ground Cover: Mother of Thyme – Thymus serpyllum
Purple Garden (Biosphere):
- Abelia
- Alstroemeria
- Agastache foeniculum (Pursh) Kuntze Blue giant hyssop, Blue giant-hyssop, Fragrant giant hyssop, Lavender hyssop, Anise hyssop USDA Symbol: AGFO USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Size Class: 3-6 ft. Bloom Color: Blue , Purple Bloom Time: Jul , Aug
- Aster (New England/New York) Townsendia exscapa Townsendia exscapa (Aster Family) USDA Symbol: TOEX2 USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N)Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Size Class: 0-1 ft. Bloom Color: White Bloom Time: Mar – May
- Asclepias Incamata. Swamp Milkweed.
- Monarda fistulosa L. ssp. fistulosa var. fistulosa
Wild Bergamot, Wild Bee Balm - USDA Symbol: MOFIF2 USDA Native Status: L48 (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Size Notes: Up to about 3 feet tall. Bloom Color: Pink , Purple Bloom Time: Jun – Sep
- Carex eburnea, Ebony sedge. 6-10 in, full to part sun, dry to moist soil, green, June.
- Culver’s Root
- Echinacea angustifolia DC. Black Samson echinacea, Narrow-leaf coneflower USDA Symbol: ECAN2 USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Root Type: Tap Size Notes: 1.5-2 feet. Bloom Color: Purple Bloom Time: May – Jul
- Erysimum Bowles
- Eupatorium Purpureum
- Penstemon calycosus Long-sepal penstemon, Long-sepal beardtongue USDA Symbol: PECA7 USDA Native Status: L48 (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Bloom Color: Pink
- Liatris aspera Michx. Tall blazing star, Tall gayfeather, Tall liatris, Rough blazing star, Rough gayfeather, Rough liatris, Button snakeroot USDA Symbol: LIAS USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Size Class: 3-6 ft. Bloom Color: Pink , Purple Bloom Time: Aug, Sep
- Monarda fistulosa, Wild bergamot. 2-3 ft, full to part sun, dry to moist soil, pink, July-Aug.
- Penstemon hirsutus, Hairy beard-tongue. 1-2 ft, full to part sun, pink, June-Aug.
- Phlox alyssifolia Greene Alyssumleaf phlox (Phlox Family) USDA Symbol: PHAL3 USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N) Color: Violet Duration: Perennial Habit: Subshrub
- Purple Crocus Flower
- Lupinus perennis L. Sundial lupine, Wild lupine (Pea Family) USDA Symbol: lupe3 USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (I)
Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Leaf Arrangement: Alternate Leaf Complexity: Palmate Breeding System: Flowers Bisexual Fruit Type: Legume Size Class: 1-3 ft. Bloom Color: Blue , Purple Bloom Time: Apr , May , Jun , Jul - Vernonia noveboracensis (L.) Michx. New York ironweed (Aster Family) USDA Symbol: VENO USDA Native Status: L48 (N) Duration: Pere
nnial Habit: Herb Leaf: Dark Green Size Class: 3-6 ft. Bloom Color: Red , Purple Bloom Time: Aug , Sep
Ground Cover: Creeping Phlox – phlox subulata; Prunella vulgaris (Prunella, All-Heal, Self Heal)
Yellow Garden (Atmosphere):
- Achillea millefolium L. Common yarrow, Western yarrow, Yarrow, Milfoil USDA Symbol: ACMI2 USDA Native Status: L48 (NI), AK (N), HI (I), CAN (NI), GL (N), SPM (NI) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Leaf Shape: Lanceolate Inflorescence: Head Size Notes: 1-3 Leaf: Green Bloom Color: White , Pink Bloom Time: Apr , May , Jun , Jul , Aug , Sep
- Arabis giabra, Tower mustard. 1-2 if, full sun, dry to moist soil, white, May-June.
- Helianthus mollis Lam. Ashy sunflower, Downy sunflower USDA Symbol: HEMO2 USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (I) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Bloom Color: Yellow , Brown Bloom Time: Jun , Jul , Aug , Sep
- Aster ericoides, Heath aster. 1-2 if, full sun, dry to moist soil, white, Sep-Oct.
- Chamaecrista Fasciculata. Partridge Pea
- Fatsia Japonica
- Fragaria virginiana, Wild strawberry. 3-6 in, dry to moist soil, white, April-May.
- Gaillardia aestivalis var. aestivalis Lan
celeaf blanketflower, Prairie gaillardia (Aster Family) USDA Symbol: GAAEA USDA Native Status: L48 (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Size Class: 1-3 ft. Bloom Color: Yellow Bloom Time: May , Jun , Jul , Aug , Sep - Goldenrod (Bluestem, Early, Gray, etc.)Chrysoma pauciflosculosa (Michx.) Greene Woody Goldenrod USDA Symbol: CHPA18 USDA Native Status: L48 (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Subshrub , Shrub Size Notes: To about 3 feet in height. Bloom Color: Yellow Bloom Time: Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
- Helenium vernale Savannah sneezeweed USDA Symbol: HEVE USDA Native Status: L48 (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Bloom Color: Yellow Bloom Time: Mar, Apr, May
- Lanceleaf Coreopsis
- Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh) Nutt. Holly-leaved barberry, Holly-leaf Oregon-grape USDA Symbol: MAAQ2 USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Shrub Fruit: Blue Size Class: 6-12 ft. Bloom Color: Yellow Bloom Time: Mar – May
- Oenothera perennis, Small sundrops. 6-12 in, full sun, moist to dry soil, yellow, July.
- Penstemon tubaeflorus White wand penstemon, beardtongue USDA Symbol: PETU USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (I) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Color: White
- Potentilla arguta, Tall cinquefoil. 2-3 ft, full sun, dry to moist soil, white, June- Aug.
- Pycnanthemum Virginianum. Virginia Mountain Mint.
- Solidago nemoralis, Gray goldenrod. 1-2 ft, full sun, dry soil, yellow, Aug-Sep.
- Verbena stricta, Hoary vervain. 2-3 ft, full sun, moist to dry soil, purple, July- Aug.
- Echinacea paradoxa Britton Yellow coneflower, Yellow Echinacea USDA Symbol: ECPA2 USDA Native Status: L48 (N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Size Class: 1-3 ft. Bloom Color: Yellow Bloom Time: May , Jun
- Zizia aurea, Golden alexanders. 1-3 ft, part sun, dry to moist soil, yellow, May- June.
Groundcover: Creeping Potentilla – Potentilla Neumanianna; Golden groundsel; Roundleaf groundsel; Roundleaf ragwort; Squawweed
- Xyris montana Ries Northern yelloweyed grass USDA Symbol: XYMO USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N), SPM
(N) Duration: Perennial Habit: Herb Bloom Color: Yellow - Schizachyrium scoparium, Little bluestem. 2-3 ft, sun, dry to moist soil, brown, Aug-Sep.
- Sisyrinchium montanum, Blue-eyed grass. 6-12 in, full to part sun, dry to moist soil, blue, May-June.